Friday, July 18, 2008

Hey people,
Like the pictures? Want more? If there is something you're not seeing posted here but think we might have a photo of from POWER Summit (we probably do), post a comment or email us at
Enjoy the sun!

Day three!

Dot Maver, President and CEO of Peace Partnership International, was ou keynote speaker this year.

We brought t-shirts from home and stenciled them with the POWER Summit logo. Tweet and Anna, two St. Joseph workers, helped us with this project. The T-shirts looked awesome and it was an excellent earth-friendly alternative to buying new shirts.

From left to right, Tish and Desdamona, two spoken word artists who performed, participated, and helped out with creative expression during POWER Summit. We loved having them around. Posted earlier on the blog is one of the spoken word pieces that Desdamona performed for us.

Pictures from day two of POWER Summit

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hello again, everyone.
Here are some action steps that summitters developed on Thursday, our last day together. To all of you who created an action step, we hope you are continuing to be conscious of it. To those of you who weren't around for this or any other part of the summit, feel free to be inspired by and awestruck at the earth-changing ideas of this year's POWER Summit participants!

POWER Summit 2008 Action Steps

· Plant trees

· Start a chapter of the Student Peace Alliance and make a commitment to diversity in the group

· Get my school to start composting waste

· Raise money to help my school get solar panels

· Communicate non-violently with people in conflict situations

· Use ‘I statements’ to help me to think before I talk, to not just react to situations

· Commit to walk and bike more

· Take time every day to reflect, to find my own peace: write poetry, journal, create art

· Create a memorial for the child victims of the Iraqi war

· Seek out and talk more with war veterans, offer my support for what is a hard experience

· Get involved in this election: voter registration, working for a campaign

· Become more aware of current affairs

· Actively share compassion and non-judgment, about myself and others

· Start a ‘water project’ at our school: eliminate bottled water, sell Nalgene bottles

· Start a group at my school that mirrors the bridge protesters: meet once a week and plan/do an action for the earth, for peace, for clean water

· Attend a trip to the School of the Americas

· Carpool to donate blood

· Start a movie night and show movies with meaning

· Start a weekly, planned demonstration in our town, like the St. Paul bridge protest

· Develop art workshops that create community and deal with the issues of other teens

We had an awesome week learning from our keynote speaker, Dot Maver, our other presenters from groups like Wellstone Action, Friends for a Nonviolent World, and Youth Venture, and our community panel of local peace makers. We were challenged, motivated, and encouraged by the people we met, who ranged from high schoolers to recent college graduates and beyond. We ate delicious organic, local, and sustainably raised food all week long and enjoyed just hanging out with a large group of people all thinking about Peace: The New Energy. Keep checking back here and on the Facebook group page for more updates and info about getting ready for next year!


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hope all your summers are going swimmingly and that you are carrrying with you the energy we created at POWER Summit this year.
Here are more link:

Interface Carpets:

Global Call to Action:

Yes!'s website:

More about Yes!:

Youtube clip about the film China Blue:
