Thursday, April 09, 2009

Welcome, Spring!
The following is a brief summary of our meeting on March 3.
The environment task force talked about their planning of ice breaker activites, creation of ambience, etc.
The creative action group shared their ideas about individuals they are considering bringing in, as well as visions of what the creative action could look like, including spoken word, visual art: murals, 3-d, art for social change, graffiti artists. We will again have stencils for making POWER Summit t-shirts.
The ending celebration is now the Celebration of Gratitude! We are working on food, music, other activities that will be elements of this.
The waste free people spoke to the issue of waste free in terms of food - sustainable, local food coming from different ethnic traditions. We are looking at Mexican and Hmong ethnic dishes, since those cultures are very present in the twin cities. Again, we will be gathering lettuce from the community garden for a portion of our meals.
The people working on developing the panels shared an exciting pool of community contacts who were considering inviting to share their stories at POWER Summit. The panel members come from international and local backgrounds, are of diverse ages and education levels, and identify with different spiritual traditions.


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