Wednesday, June 25, 2008

POWER SUMMIT POEM – created during the first meeting when evenyone was asked how they experienced peace.
Authored by the Power Summit People!!! Typed and gathered by Desdamona

Shine (reflect) / Shine (reflect) / Shine (reflect)

A Ribbon of moonlight across the water
Find the music and give it to the people
A downpour of community and connection
So glad

When I think of peace I think of hip-hop
And the balance it has brought to my life
I think of the nighttime - midnight
The most peaceful time
The slight flickering of light from the candle
The spark of nature in the labor of spring
A newborn baby
The baptism ritual born from the morning light
The remembrance of some heavenly caress
With all the hope of the world in it’s tiny hands
I think of the mountaintops, capped with snow
And the snow melting to sift to the lake below
Water circling all around me

Make a circle in the air with your finger
Now pull back the old skin
And no longer think of your self as one of many
But instead think of one being, one breath

1 song and 1 community

Peace is held in the reluctance of youth who are waiting to take control of their own lives
On the edge of the volcano, watching the world transform before their eyes

We are building an invisible building
Stronger than any structure built by man

Think of the innocence of a child who has never known anything other than peace
Think of the learning circle, the constant revolution of our ideas through the universe
Like the circulation of blood through the body

Moonlight reflections of sunlight from the other side of the world
A feather dangling on the edges of the air
Everything is aligned – we all just took a dip in the pool of peace and NOW
Everything is wet with the experience

Shine (reflect) / Shine (reflect) / Shine (reflect)

The resurrection of a flower after the deep-freeze of winter
An Earthling sapling waiting take root on the burned forest floor
The melody of one voice harmonizing with the song of the ground beneath our feet

What does the world look like without war?

What does the world look like with the presence of peace?

Resources, renew, depleted energies
Toxins release
Inhale the possibilities
Exhale the action behind the idea
Inhale inspiration
Exhale gratification
Inhale the smell of apple trees in bloom and fog hanging across the mountains
Exhale this…slow…process…of change

Are there any questions?

Any stories to tell?

If you don’t tell your story who do you think is going to tell it?

When you remain silent you become invisible.

Are you invisible?

When did you first become aware that injustice existed in the world?

When did you first taste the bitterness of hopelessness?

Did you spit it out? Or hold it in your mouth?

What is “Action Step One”? ------Create Peace

This is a call to action

Shine (reflect) / Shine (reflect) / Shine (reflect)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Desdemona!! <3

9/7/08 8:39 PM


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